Enrichment Programs In Communities
Progressive Learning. Dynamic Teaching.

The EPIC Difference
EPIC stands apart from educational programs because it is founded in principles of EBP, PBL, and SEL. Curriculum is updated quarterly based on current research and evidence in innovative teaching strategies and learning. The passion exemplified in our staff when implementing these principles is the main contributor to the EPIC difference.

EPIC Practice
Curriculum and teaching methods/practice at EPIC are founded in updated research and evidence based teaching strategies. See our list of resources and citations. Join us in creating a career focus for students starting in elementary through college.
STEM Programs
Foundations in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

EPIC Engineers
This course introduces foundational concepts of engineering.
Students will
-apply the scientific method to engineering
-demonstrate architectural designs
-enact physics concepts
-combine creativity and scientific exploration
-confront scientific considerations encountered in the engineering fields
-test the fortitude of their created structures
-identify scientifically defined types of force
Projects will include building catapults, bridges, rollercoasters, and mazes.
Students will apply the scientific method to engineering and demonstrate basic architectural designs and physics concepts. Each class will combine creative thinking and scientific exploration to create building projects such as catapults, bridges, mazes. Students will test the fortitude of their structures using different scientifically defined types of energy. As they observe and apply forces to their designs, students will become familiar with the scientific considerations faced by engineers.

Kidnetic Adventures
Kinesiology and Physical Therapy
This courses introduces foundational concepts of kinesiology and physical team exercises.
Students will
-become familiar with muscle physiology
-apply concepts of exercise science
-be encouraged in lasting fitness habits
-build teams
-grow in athletics
-physically participate in fun, competitive games
Physical activities will include a variety of team games, sports, battery testing, and skill obstacle courses.
Students will learn about kinesiology, exercise science, and a range of physical activities to encourage lasting fitness habits. This course provides a fun, interactive environment for physical participation and competition. Students learn about muscle physiology before engaging in a variety of team games, group battery testing, skill obstacle courses, and various team sports!

Interactive Math
This courses introduces foundational concepts of mathematics utilizing manipulatives and real-world application of concepts.
Students will
-demonstrate mathematical concepts with hands-on manipulatives
-engage in project-based learning
-understand the necessity of math concepts
-improve upon real world applications for math
Students demonstrate mathematical concepts with manipulatives and engage in project-based math learning. This class will demonstrate why you need to understand mathematical concepts such as angles, their uses, and how to make quick calculations for every day, real-world application.

Mini Medics
Introduction to the Fields of Medicine
This course introduces foundational concepts of skills utilized in the modern medical fields.
Students will
-learn about anatomy and physiology concepts
-relate concepts to pathophysiology
-understand how to perform a Neurovascular Cranial Nerves Assessment
-learn about medication types
-learn medication administration techniques
Students will utilize anatomy and physiology concepts related to pathophysiology. Students will learn about how to perform a Neurovascular Cranial Nerves Assessment, Cardiovascular I and II, Pulmonary Arterial Blood Gases, Medication Administration Types and Techniques

Reaction Time
Chemistry Experimentation
This course introduces foundational concepts of chemistry.
Students will
-strive to find the answers to "How does it work, and why?"
-formulate and research questions related to topical experiments
-complete experiments
-interactively discuss their research
-develop critical thinking
-become exposed to increasingly complicated areas of science
-deepen scientific curiosity
Labs include building molecules models from the periodic table, creating an array of chemical reactions, and testing hypotheses about outcomes of scientific experiments.
This course introduces foundational, experiment-based labs to spark scientific curiosity and develop critical thinking skills. Students will utilize the scientific method to answer: "How does it
work, and why?", in relation to a research question and experiment each class. After an interactive discussion about the research behind the question, students will execute an experiment. Through building molecules from the periodic table, and following observing chemical reactions, students are exposed to increasingly complicated areas of science.

Rocket Racers
Introduction to Aerodynamics
This course introduces foundational concepts of flight.
Students will
-observe forces that act on objects in motion through the air
-learn about factors affecting flight
-make rockets from different materials
-launch and methodically observe their flying prototypes
-apply the scientific method to understand their projects outcomes
-amend their creations to make them increasingly aerodynamic
Projects include creating and testing ring and straw racers, helicopters, slingshot rockets, and water pressure rockets.
This course introduces foundational concepts of flight, incorporating projects that build rockets and other objects for flight. After learning about a new facet of aerodynamics each class, students will use the concepts to hypothesize about project outcomes. An individual or team project will allow students to test their ideas in class, and continually use feedback to make their flight project more aerodynamic.

Arts Programs
Visual Arts, Creative Experiences, and Art History

Creative Studio
Multi-Medium Arts
This course introduces foundational concepts of creative, visual arts.
Students will
-engage in artist biography lesson
-become familiar with artists' use techniques
-utilize a different medium each class
-complete creative works of art utilizing a variety of methods
Art projects include the use of oil pastels, watercolor, paint, and air dry clay. The methods utilized will include color theory, landscapes, still-lifes, pop art, cubism, abstract, and surrealism
Each class offers a brief art history lesson introducing an artist. Following this, the artist's technique will form the basis for a new project each class using a different washable medium. Mediums include oil pastels, watercolor, paint, and air dry clay. Methods include color theory, landscapes, still-lifes, pop art, cubism, abstract, and surrealism.


Sketching and Visual Storytelling
This course introduces foundational concepts of pencil based sketching.
Students will
-create creative, topic-based, visual stories
-mimic instructor sketching methods
-utilize techniques for pencil
-scaffold techniques weekly to build upon sketching abilities
Projects include creating scenery, drawing animals, and building main and supporting characters. Pencil techniques include shading, coloring, and shape and expression identification.
This course focuses on drawing to create scenery and building main and supporting characters. Students learn and utilize techniques for pencil, shading, coloring, and shape and expression identification. This sketching course continues to scaffold techniques each week to amplify students' interest and abilities in visual storytelling.

Spanish Language
Interactive Spanish Communication
Collaborative Language Acquisition
This course introduces foundational concepts of Spanish.
Students will
-learn Spanish through audio, visual, and kinesthetic styles
Lessons include: salutations, common phrases, pronunciation of Spanish vowels and consonants, colors, numbers, shapes, days of the week, months of the year, proper grammar, conjugation of verbs, and other aspects of learning to speak Spanish.
Each class promotes vocabulary memorization and expansion through audio, visual, and kinesthetic learning styles. Lessons include: salutations, common phrases, pronunciation of Spanish vowels and consonants, colors, numbers, shapes, days of the week, months of the year, proper grammar, conjugation of verbs, and other aspects of learning to speak Spanish.